
Understanding Email Statuses: A Chronological Overview

Understanding email statuses in Sweego is crucial for assessing the performance of your email campaigns and ensuring effective deliverability.

Email Statuses Timeline

This diagram shows the different email statuses from a chronological point of view:

Explanation of these email statuses

You can find two type of status:

  • Delivery Statuses, the status of email delivery to the recipient
  • Engagement Statuses, how the recipient is interacting with the email

Delivery Statuses:

  • Accepted: This refers to the count of emails successfully received by the destination mail server, signifying that the messages were delivered without any complications.
  • Bounced: This represents the total number of emails that returned due to either temporary or permanent delivery failures on the recipient’s mail server.
  • Hard bounce: This indicates the amount of emails that returned because of irreversible problems, such as incorrect email addresses or domains that do not exist.
  • Soft bounce: This denotes the number of emails that were returned due to reversible issues, like overfilled mailboxes or momentary errors at the recipient’s mail server.
  • Rejected: This details the number of emails that were refused by the recipient’s mail server at the SMTP transaction phase. Contrary to bounces, these rejections happen during the initial link-up between the sending and receiving servers, typically because of rigorous filtering standards or incorrect email details.
  • Sent: This covers the total emails dispatched, regardless of whether they were ultimately received by the recipient’s mail server.

Engagement Statuses:

  • Complaints: This is the quantity of grievances filed by recipients about the emails’ content or nature, often from those who find the messages to be intrusive or objectionable.
  • List unsubscribe: This accounts for the emails that triggered a request to be removed from the mailing list via the “List-Unsubscribe” header, showing the recipient’s preference to stop receiving emails from the sender.