transactional email

Transactional Emails: Key Considerations for Effective Delivery

What is a Transactional Email?

A transactional email is an email sent to an individual following an action or event (calendar-based, automated, or otherwise). Unlike a marketing email or a newsletter, which is the same message sent to a large number of recipients, a transactional email is sent to one person or a few people.

What are the important elements for transactional emails?

  • Deliverability, of course! It is inconceivable for a transactional email to not reach the inbox! For this, you need to adhere to deliverability basics and monitor your reputation.
  • Delivery speed must be fast. A transactional email is expected when it follows an action. It should be very close to real-time, with a maximum delay of a few seconds to avoid frustrating the recipient. For instance, consider an onboarding process in a SAAS application. During this process, an email is sent to verify the email address. If you don’t receive it quickly, there’s a high chance of losing the initially gained user…
  • Clarity and precision: The message should be clear and to the point so that the recipient immediately understands the purpose of the email.
  • Relevant subject line: The subject line of the email should be simple and related to the context.
  • Consistent branding: The email should reflect the brand’s visual identity and tone to reinforce recognition and trust.
  • Accessibility: Ensure the email is readable on all devices, from desktops to smartphones.
  • Security: Include security measures, such as not displaying sensitive information in full (e.g., only showing the last few digits of a credit card).
  • Personalization: If possible, personalize the email to make it more engaging and relevant to the recipient.

Some examples of transactional emails:

  • Email address verification after account creation
  • Order confirmation
  • Appointment notification
  • Password reset
  • Invoice sent by email
  • etc…

Is an Unsubscribe Link Necessary?

No, it is not necessary, because these emails result from an action or event. They are generally expected. However, why not include one anyway? This makes it easier for the recipient to opt out of all communications, even transactional ones.